Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Terrorism is not Islam!!!

With the rampant terrorist attacks in Nigeria, especially in the northern states like Borno, Jos, Zamfara, Sokoto etc. Islam does not promote terrorism in any way. I have Muslim friends, all of whom are amazing and God fearing, I have also met other Muslims who are religion crazy with very bad attitudes, in like manner, i have met amazing, friendly, God fearing, funny Christians and the very rude, religion crazy, confused, twisted ones too.
What I'm driving at is, our religion contributes to who we are, our belief makes us a better person if it's the right one and indeed our religion is a big part of who we are, but what makes us who we are, the whole definition of who we are is our character and personality. A person can be bad irrespective of whether he has a religion or not. Religion doesn't define us wholly. We make our choices, these terrorist chose their paths. They chose to kill, no one made them do that. Every human has this thing called conscience, whether you believe in God or not, your conscience tells you when you are doing wrong or about to do wrong, you could choose to listen to that little voice in your head, and you could also choose to ignore, but when you constantly ignore that voice, it tends to stop talking and sort of dies or leave. The Christian believes it's the Holy Spirit that guides us through our day to day life and action, He talks to us and similar to our conscience, it leaves after seeing He is being ignored.
Once a man has a dead conscience he does anything without caring the consequence. These terrorists have no conscience, they have no religion, they don't believe in the God of the Christians or Muslims. No true God will every request that any man be killed for Him. Let's not associate terrorism with religion, Islam is not terrorism. Terrorists have no excuses, they even kill their supposed Islam brothers and sisters, now how do u kill people affiliated to the religion u claim commands you to kill. Shouldn't there be exception? Before you tag everyone terrorist, before you tag anyone a terrorist, before you tag a particular religion terrorists. Look around you, if everyone of them are not obeying the law that "allegedly" asks that other people of different religion be killed, then there is something wrong somewhere. The world has enough of war, death, pain, disunity and barriers. Let's not create a problem that doesn't even exist.
Let's all stand against "Terrorism" as one! . We are one body and one flesh, one nation, Nigeria. May the good Lord cleanse our land, eradicate all terrorism wherever they originate from and above all may the love of God be in our hearts for one another in Jesus name. B

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