DAY 4 -Thursday 10,2015
Pastor E.A Adeboye
Theme:Floodgates of Joy
Bible text: John 16:24, psalm 16:11, Revelations 7:17, Job 17:7,Proverb 29:18, 15:13, 17:22, 1kings 19:1-4.
Tonight someone will go home with fullness of joy
You will cry 3 times to heaven when 3 things happen.:-
1. Tears of joy when you make heaven
2. Tears when fire tests your work
3. Tears of regret when you are being rewarded wishing you did more while you still had time.
Above all things, rejoice, for God promises to wipe away your tears. Pastor tells a short story.
There was a woman in one of the islands in rivers state years ago, early in d morning, she would always wake up, take calabash, go to the beach and bail water from the ocean from morning to evening. When asked, she said;"her only son went abroad to study, travelling by boat(long time ago), when he finished studying, he travelled back by boat, while coming down the steps of the boat, he saw his mother and in the bid to rush to greet her out of excitement, he slipped and fell into the ocean. Till date, his body was never found.
Stand up on your feet and pray to God.
Father, we are in agreement. There shall be no more sorrow.
Prophecy to your neighbour saying,"you shall weep no more"
Joy:- opposite of sorrow
There are different kinds of joy. There is:
1.Great Joy:- comes as a joy of restoration ie. when opportunities that have been lost is restored(2nd Samuel 6:1-15).
Every opportunity that I have lost, Father, restore unto me.
2.Exceedingly great joy:- this is the joy you have when you reach your goal (Matthew 2:1-10)
In Jesus Name, by the time you get home, you will meet exceeding great joy.
*Study (1Samuel 17:1-52) the story of David and Goliath. The devil knew that David was to be crowned king so he sent first a lion, then a bear, then Goliath. Goliath said;" if I win, the kingdom of Israel becomes mine" but to the glory of God, one by one they fell. That was why finally, wen Goliath hit the ground, the whole nation shout for Joy.
Very soon, after you share your testimony, the whole nation will shout for joy.(Exodus 15:1-21, revelations. 15:3)
Two men quarrelled in a village in Ondo State, one said to the other;"by the time I finish with you, you will regret coming to this world". Couple of weeks later, the man died. His children came to the village to bury him. The first son returned from Germany to bury his dad, after the burial, while going back , he was involved in an accident and died, his corpse was carried back to the village,the mother saw the corpse, collapsed and died. Other siblings were involved in an accident and died leaving one male son behind. He was a medical student at University of Ibadan, he ran mad in campus, he was taken to Aro, go a little better, sent back to the village, the evil man saw him and was surprised. Thank God for Jesus,when Pastor Adeboye met him, his eyes were crimson red, God set him free, he told his story. Pastor asked him not to return to the village, God provided scholarship, he later came back to greet Daddy at Ebute meta, Daddy G.O knew then what it means for one to have exceeding great joy.
Every obstacle between you and your goal, father destroy them tonight.
You shall reach your goal
3. Joy Unspeakable :- (1Peter 1:3-8, Romans 8:31-32) this is the joy you have when you have Christ.
Pastor E.A Adeboye had an uncle, he has gone to rest in the bosom of the Lord now, he was staying with his uncle in 1950's. His uncle was a poor man,they loved each other, there was this day that he had nothing, meaning they both had nothing. They sat down, terribly hungry, no hope for food. Then a girl came in carrying a bowl of pounded yam, steamed with chicken soup, the girl said,"my sister said I should give you food, they didn't know the girl, then they asked,"who is your sister? We don't know her, after she mentioned name, they still didn't recognise the name, his uncle said was she sure, she said this is the address her sister gave, his uncle then thanked her and apologised for not having anything for give her. The girl left, immediately they descended on the pointed yam and chicken, while breaking the bones of the chicken after the satisfying their hunger, the girl came back saying she delivered to the wrong house.
Just to show you that I am a Sovereign God, I can do what I like, the blessing that's not yours' will be give to you.
To fully understand the joy of having Christ, you have to first compare with the sorrow of a back slider.
G.O went to Zambia for a ministration, after the ministration, at the airport, he was praying, one guard drew near and said they were not supposed to park there, the G.O replied and said "we are not parking, we are just praying", the guard then began to sob, he said,"i used to be a christian, I used to pray like this, but no more".
Stand up on your feet and say,"Father, please don't let anything take Jesus away from me"
4. Full Joy:- this is the joy of answered prayer, a joy that nothing can be added to) John 16:24, 1st Samuel 2:1-10. Hannah after all years of being tormented by adversaries, when finally God granted her request said for her to be able to cope with the Joy, God has to enlarge her mouth. There is that kind of Joy.
In recent times, when ministering, G.O will suddenly hear sing and each time he hears marvelous testimonies.
Tonight, He can hear someone singing
(Song)"I wil sing of the mercies of the Lord forever I will sing of the mercies of the Lord.... till fade)
This lady came to my office, I asked what the problem was, she said she was 33 years old and still bed wetting, I thought it was just a medical problem until she said her mother was a bed wetter, her daughter bed wets and literally all female In her family bed wets, her grandmother had a problem with someone who placed a cut else on her and her generation. She gave her life to Christ and came back the following day. Daddy was confused as she was crying and laughing at the same time, she said, "daddy for the first time in 33 years, I woke up this morning and my bed was dry".
Turn to your neighbour and pray that Father, everything my neighbour has been believing you for, Father please release now.
God said, "Christians don't ask enough, some of you are even feeling uncomfortable just standing up to pray. (2Kings 4:1-7)
Nowadays, you have been finding it to rejoice because your miracles have not yet manifested, today they will.
How much blessings will u get? The story of the widow and Elisha, the amount of miracle she got depended on how many empty vessels she had.
The amount of blessings you will get depends on how much prayer you are willing to pray. Ask till your joy be full.
While writing Sunday school pamphlet in London, daddy G.O was broke, he decided to ask for 50 pounds from God, shortly after, he received a call from an unknown number asking to speak with someone else, G.O replied wrong number and bid him goodbye with "God bless you", the man on the other line replied, who are you? Do you know God?, G.O replied, "YES!!! I know God, he is my Saviour. The man then asked who he was speaking to, G.O replied "Adeboye", the man asked again, which Adeboye, G.O replied, "Pastor E.A Adeboye", the man asked again "Sorry for disturbing you but of which church??" G.O replied, "Pastor E.A Adeboye Of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. The man screamed immediately calling to his wife, mother and everyone there joyfully telling them to quickly come and hear who he was speaking with, apparently they had been talking about him before the call, they begged to have an audience with him, he graciously agreed, they visited where he was staying and before leaving they gave G.O 50 pounds. After leaving, G.O said, "God had it been that I knew you would answer me that fast, I would have requested 100 pounds". While he left the room for a few minutes and got back, he saw an envelope and recognised the writing at the back, it was his friend who was stinking lying rich but a huge miser and the writing read "I was moved to give you this" and inside was an extra 50 pounds. G.O was shocked and said had it been he knew he would have asked for 150 pounds, something lead to another, he got an extra 50 pounds that day. Years later ,God revealed to him that had it been he asked for 1000 pounds that day, he would have gotten it.
You are where you are today because you won't pray, because you limit the ALMIGHTY. The All-Sufficient God by asking for little little things. Your prayer point will change from today in Jesus name.
G.O heard in the 1950's that there was a man, the richest man in Lagos, but when relatives go to ask him for money he always said "NO!!! That he worked for his money and they should work for theirs'. His only weakness was little children, he loved little children, his relatives notices and began to carry their little kids and others to visit him, at the end of every visit he usually ask what the kids wanted from them and grant their request. One day, a woman took her little kid but before setting off, she told her what to say when she was asked what she wanted, she said to her,"ask for house, land, car etc and I will compensate you with cookies when we get back", the child nodded in agreement then they left.
Upon arriving the man's house, after the visit was over, the old man asked the child what she wanted, she said,"Cookies!!!", the man who already knew the trick his relatives always played on him but didn't mind, pretended not to hear and went into his room to give the mother the chance to lecture her daughter again, upon getting back he asked same question and she still replied,"Cookies".
Many of us have been asking THE ONE who made the heaven and the earth, the one who has all the gold, silver, diamond, all the riches in His care, who can release to you the whole nation!!! When you go to Him, what do you request for.... Cookies!!!
The One who can give you the power to heal the sick, raise the dead... you ask Him for cookies!!
Your prayer life must change. When you pray you won't ask for cookies.
Altar call:- before the final prayer, if you haven't surrendered to Jesus, run forward now and confess your sins to Him, ask Him for forgiveness, pray for Him to come into your life and be Your Lord and Saviour.
Final Prayer
Father, I don't want just to be blessed, I want to be a blessing to nations. Father use me for Your glory.
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